Golden Wings Assisted Living Darrow/Wendel
Golden Wings Assisted Living Darrow/Wendel
1351 Darrow Rd SW / 3116 Wendel Rd SE
Palm Bay, Florida 32908 / 32909
Tel: 321-676-6331
Golden Wings Darrow Assisted Living & Golden Wings Wendel Assisted Living are two six bed facilities. We aspire to have a real home atmosphere. Golden Wings Darrow Assisted Living & Golden Wings Wendel Assisted Living are licensed by the state of Florida with Standard as well as Limited Nursing licenses.
We maintain a maximum ratio of 6 to 1. Many times it is 3 to 1 during times of high activity, unlike the larger facilities that maintain a 20 to 1 ratio
1) Housing
2) Emotional Security
3) Housekeeping
4) Laundry
5) Emotional Support
6) 3 Balanced Meals: Breakfast 8:30 AM
Lunch 12:30 PM
Dinner 6:00 PM
7) 24 hour supervision
8) Assistance with Social/Leisure Services
9) Assistance with Securing Necessary Health Care
10) Assistance with Bathing and Grooming
11) Supervision of self-administration of medications / administration of medication
12) Assistance with arranging transportation.
Additional charges may be added for the following services:
1) Limited Nursing Services $ 45.00/service with a maximum of $1200.00/month Beautician Services Actual Cost
2) Personal items, & Medications Actual Cost
3) Transportation to medical appointments outside Melbourne / Palm Bay area at
$ .32/mile plus $ 12.00/hr escort fee.
1) Ostomy care
2) Conducting finger stick glucose monitoring
3) Conducting passive range of motion
4) Applying ice caps and collars
5) Applying heat, including dry heat, hot water bottle, heating pad, moist heat, hot
compress, sitz bath and hot soaks.
6) Trimming of toenails of diabetic residents or residents having documented
circulatory problems with the written approval of the
resident's health care provider.
7) Performing eye and ear irrigation.
8) Conducting urine dipstick testing
9) Replacement of established self-maintained indwelling urinary catheter, or an
intermittent urinary catheter.
10) Performing digital stool removal therapies.
11) Applying and changing routine dressing that do not require packing or irrigation,
but are abrasions, skin tears, and closed surgical wounds.
12) Care of stage II pressure sores.
13) Caring for casts, braces and splints.
14) Conducting nursing assessments if conducted by a registered nurse or under the
direct supervision of a registered nurse.
15) For hospice patients, providing any service permitted within the scope of the
nurse's license.
Our current monthly rates are $ 3250.00 for private and $2750.00 for semi-private.
The residents and or resident's family are responsible for the cost of medication and personal supplies. We can assist with some transportation to local physician appointments if necessary.
Golden Wings Assisted Living is set up as a home atmosphere to decrease the feeling of being abandoned.
© Copyright 2008 Golden Wings Assisted Living Darrow/Wendel
